The Biological Resource Centre of the Institute

The Regional Centre for Functional and Experimental Exploration Resources (CREFRE) is an Inserm Service and University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Unit. It offers functional pathophysiology exploration and phenotypic analysis (organic and histomorphological markers).The U.S. CREFRE-006 Inserm - UPS is led by Veterinary Doctor Yara Barreira, Inserm, co-director of the Anexplo/ Genotoul research platform. He participated in the ANEXPLO / Genotoul research platform, a national IBiSA labeled platform and Research (IR) Celphedia Infrastructure, with a European vocation.

Objectives and Missions


Scientific and methodology R&D in the developed areas of activities

Training: participation in UPS Research and Professional Masters and UPAL to ENVT training; organization of courses open to the regional scientific community.

Participation in therapeutic innovation by validating predictive animal models, called "humanized", and the transfer of expertise to regional biotechnology companies in particular.

Academic and private, national and/or European collaborations.



The CREFRE - U.S. 006 Inserm-UPS, figures:

  • Team: 50 people
  • Floor area: 2,500 m²
  • Investments: €5 million of equipment