Cancerology - school of knowledge and specialties
All the excellency produced by medical, social and human sciences, has to be transmitted. And all the professionals - health professionals, industries, associations ... directly or indirectly concerned by the project, are potential partners in prevention. They, as such, play a role in the fight against cancer.
Amplified need in lifelong training
The creation of the Oncopole, its aims and its combined actions: healthcare, research, economics, patient follow-up, significant training needs, amplified by the appearance of new professions. In order to reach these objectives, support innovation and ensure equal access to healthcare, OncoResonance's endowment was created.
OncoRésonance, 3 main missions.
- Analyze - as a territorial observatory – new "specialties" standards as well as the need expressed by the various involved trades in the professional qualification of their employees,
- Produce teaching modules for lifelong education :
- Accessible to all professionals involved in the acquisition or update of knowledge,
- In the areas of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, support, social and professional reintegration of the sick. - Contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and facilitate "cross-fertilization" between engineering and traditional/social health professions. Objectives: create exchanges to promote new skills and perspectives.
Experts in training.
The founding members of this endowment gather their respective skills and expertise in the service of a common project. Willing to share their experience and ambition to teach in a different way, throughout life, they guarantee a compliance with the ethics code they developed.
OncoResonance’s pedagogy based on a "training/action" principle in order to "learn while doing" and accelerate the acquisition of skills. Formed by field experts, participants can confront the professional reality on operational sites.
Thanks to its openness to the business world and its commitment to forge strong partnerships, OncoResonance participates - along with healthcare, research and economic development - to a quality of service that adds to the reputation and attractiveness of the Oncopole.
Founding members of OncoResonance:
- The Claudius Regaud Institute
- The Joseph Ducuing Hospital
- CRIC Association (Rehabilitation Centre for disabled civilians)
- The hospital studies and training units centers

« Training together to work together is an opportunity to gather the different stakeholders in oncology around the Oncopole »
Roland BUGAT,
Director of the Ecole des Savoirs et des Métiers en Cancérologie